The Instagram Marketing Plan Every Entrepreneur Should Follow in 2022

Instagram's Chief Adam Mosseri outlined the areas of focus for the app in 2022, and we created a marketing plan for you to follow in order to thrive on Instagram this year.

Small businesses, influencers and entrepreneurs have a great opportunity to get ahead in the marketplace by leveraging Instagram. Adam Mosseri, Instagram's Head of Product, outlined the three areas of focus for the app in 2022, so we decided to share them with you and create an Instagram Marketing Plan that you can use this year to grow your audience and increase your sales through the app.

Here’s the video he shared on his account 👆

Poke Time is Over: Instagram used to be all about posting pictures and stories, but now videos have taken center stage.

After seeing the success that TikTok had in 2021, it’s no surprise to us that Instagram is doing the best they can to duplicate TikTok and include similar tools to them. This is why Reels came into play back in 2020. Now that they have solidified this tool, their goal is to improve it even more and make it their main priority.

If you’ve never used this feature before, here’s a free tutorial for you:

We know how time-consuming Reels can be, but the truth is that this transformation gives you more creative freedom than ever before. Video Marketing is one of the best strategies that business owners and influencers can use to convey a message to their audience and build a relationship with them.

Benefits about Video content for your business:

  • You can easily tell a story, which makes you unique: Creating unique, highly-engaging stories that add character to your page is an easy way to show your customer who you really are and build a memory in their brands that they will never forget. Videos make you unique since they’re not easy to be replicated.

  • It’s a great way to communicate with potential customers: You can use video as a way to speak directly to customers and build their trust in your product. Anybody can take a photo, but not many are willing to create a video that will help them increase their credibility online.

  • It helps you learn more about your audience: Not only can you reach potential customers through authentic and engaging video content, but you can also learn more about them when you post videos. People tend to share valuable or entertaining video content and engage with it more often than they do with regular photos. Once they do this, you can study who they are and what they want from you, which could help you build a tailored marketing plan that succeeds.

3 Main Areas of Focus of Instagram in 2022

  1. Reels

In the video above, Mosseri explained that Instagram’s 2022 main focus will continue to be Reels, in order to consolidate a video format in the app and continue building more creative tools for it.

He said they will be DOUBLING DOWN on video, to make sure that everything is consolidated around Reels specifically.

  1. User Control

He also shared how they’re giving more “Control” to the users.

Control is something they started to implement in 2021, by allowing users to hide the likes from their photos, add more Direct Messaging controls as well as being able to manage your comments. 

Instagram wants you to shape how the app can work best for you. 

This is also why they have mentioned adding the Chronological feed this year. (Which will allow you to choose to see your feed in a chronological way, instead of showing whatever the algorithm thinks is best for you to see).

  1. Transparency

Mosseri mentioned that another one of their main focuses this year is Creators. They want to help creators make a living on Instagram. We saw this in 2021 when they started to implement creator monetization programs. We were able to monetize on Live and Reels last year.

They plan on being more transparent on how the app works, so creators can succeed in it, build a large following and not only convert their sales but actually make money through the app.

So now that you know Instagram’s focus for this year, how can you leverage the app to get more sales in your business or simply build a large following?

This was our biggest takeaway: If you really want to stand out in the marketplace, you need to start creating video content.

Therefore, your Marketing plan should include the following:

  • A Content Strategy that is focused on VIDEO. 

On the stories: We recommend posting engaging stories every day in order to build a relationship with your audience and increase your engagement overall. But you should also try making these stories in a video format instead of just a photo. 

On Reels: Like we previously mentioned, Reels are the way that Instagram wants to consolidate the video format on the app, which means that it should be your main priority.  If you post a regular video and a reel, you will notice that the Reel will automatically have a bigger reach, this is because they’re Instagram’s priority right now.

(Some quick tips we can give you about reels: Follow trends and make them relevant to your niche, create valuable content that your audience can always go back to and if you do this in “series”, you can have better results.

Series are a sequence of videos that are supposed to follow a specific order, if one of your videos goes viral, the other ones will get a lot of traffic from that video alone. It also helps you be known as the go-to person in that niche.)

  • A Messaging strategy: Mosseri said that messaging was also one of the 2022 priorities for Instagram, since he considers it a great way for people to connect with their friends. Which we also see as a great opportunity to connect with our ideal clients.

You should have a messaging system where you connect with your audience on a weekly basis. We’re not talking about sending spammy messages with bots, we highly advise AGAINST that.  We’re talking about real conversations with people. Even if you don’t have a personal brand, make sure you have someone in charge who can be a REAL person when communicating with your audience. 

Since we mentioned that Video Marketing is a GREAT way to connect with your consumers, why don’t you start sending videos on the DM? Trust, it will truly help you stand out, since not a lot of people are doing this. We’d recommend you to send personalized video messages if possible. 

It looks like the days of establishing stability through photo content are over. Now that Instagram has found a way to be more stable and confident in the Reels product, their main goal moving forward will be to focus on ways to bring people into the app longer, mainly through videos. As long as they continue finding these ways, Instagram should have another great year in 2022, and so can you if you apply all these tips.

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