5 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn From Emily In Paris

We LOVED watching Emily in Paris. As marketing experts, we decided to take notes. And even though not everything on the show is very realistic, there are some important marketing lessons we can grab from Emily!

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If you haven’t watched the show, you can still read this article, since we do not include (important) spoilers. But we highly recommend you to watch it, we found it very entertaining and up to date with today’s trends and social media world.

This Netflix show is based on the life of Emily, a marketing executive from Chicago who has to move to Paris because of her work. She was the American representative in the Marketing Department at a newly acquired French marketing firm called Savoir.

These are the 5 marketing lessons that we learned from Emily in Paris:

Lesson #1: Social media is essential for any brand.

In the series, Emily makes a big emphasis on applying social media strategies for their marketing campaigns. Not only she builds a huge following by sharing her daily life which opens a lot of doors for her to make more money as an influencer, but she also makes a point in every marketing strategy for the brands she works with to have a strong social media presence and bring more awareness and attention to the brand.

We all know the power of Social media in today’s world, we can easily connect with our current and potential customers, build trust with our audience, increase brand recognition, sales and leads. Using the right social channels that are widely used is imperative in order to reach our target audience nowadays.

What is a KEY takeaway we can take from this?

Ensure that you’re building a strong social media presence and that you’re building a connection with your audience.

Lesson #2: Content is KING

“It is not just about followers, it is about content, trust, interest, and engagements.”

Emily said it right, the right marketing strategy will not be focused on getting more followers. It will be focused on creating highly engaging content that will connect with the viewers on a deep level.

In the series, Emily finds every opportunity to create and post a piece of content, we see it when she creates content for her personal account and literally shares ANY little thing, we also see it when she creates content for her clients, she is always ready to create content on the go, and most of the time her content converts!

A call-to-action for you today:

Instead of creating a highly produced piece of content, focus on creating more organic content. Maybe post your favorite meal, something interesting that happened to you, a dream you have, anything!

Lesson #3: Influencer Marketing is highly effective

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy in which brands collaborate with influencers to increase brand awareness and get more sales.

Due to their number of followers, influencers have a great potential to promote brands and help them reach their target audience by reaching numerous people in just one post.

In the show, Influencer Marketing gets the spotlight in a lot of episodes. Emily herself ends up being an influencer for some of the brands she works with because of her large social media following and her engagement. She also rejects working with a brand after realizing they didn’t care about having a smart influencer marketing strategy. She made a very important statement, saying that: “It’s important to choose influencers who are familiar with the brand and who truly care about it”.

Whether you are someone who would like to get into Influencer Marketing or you’re a business owner who wants to get more eyes to your brand, you can consider this marketing strategy to do so!

Lesson #4: Networking is KEY to build connections & get more clients

Marketing professionals know how important it is to build meaningful connections with as many people as they can.

In the series, we can see how Emily landed some clients by putting herself out there and making new friends. These new connections helped her, either by becoming clients themselves or by referring others to her!

If you want to get more clients for your business, remember that networking WORKS.

If you want to ensure that someone is paying attention to you, the best way to share your ideas is to do it in person.

Make sure that you’re not just going around begging people to work with you, build an actual relationship with them, so they can really trust you and become clients faster!

We challenge you to go to Eventbrite after reading this article and sign up for events that are happening near you where you could meet some new people.

Lesson #5: Learn about the company and its culture

Something we can learn about Emily in Paris is the importance of knowing your product and customer.

First, she is sent to another country where the culture is completely different from America, which therefore means that the clients she was working with were completely different too, we see her struggle with trying to apply strategies that weren’t relevant to them over and over and not being able to understand them.

We’re not only talking about the lack of proficiency in the language, but the culture of the company itself.

In one of the last episodes, we see how one of the marketing executives loses their entire business because they didn’t know how sensitive one of the client was in relation to conflict of interest with another client. We don’t want to spoil anything for you, but let’s just say that French people are different, and just like them, every company has their own culture and vision.

If that person in the show had taken the time to study the client, what they like, what they don’t like and their overall perspective on marketing, they wouldn’t have had such a big loss in their business!

Sometimes it’s not just about closing a contract and making money fast, but about having long-term partnerships with your audience/clients.

A step we can take in our life? Whenever you are working on a new client or company, make sure to take the time to study and learn about the company culture and everything they offer.

Also, if you’re working in marketing, you have to know who your audience is and how to market their products properly.

We hope that after reading this, you fell in love with Emily too, and you learned some valuable lessons! Let us know which was your favorite one.

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